Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surprises around all over the corners in Paris

To me, Paris is full of surprises and rich culture. Every time when I walk on streets, turn around, I would see something that I would drop my jaws; may it be glamorous architectures or classy residential blocks. And as I stroll on streets, I always make sure to pause, look around, and absorb what I am going to encounter next.


  1. I really like your bag. Where did you get it. It's pretty and fit into my personality. ha ha!

    By the way, your hair looks like you were in college.

  2. I got it at the Home Goods at the last second. I didn't want to carry a purse walking on the streets like a tourist. You can borrow it when I am back. :-)

    You have amazing memories! You even remember how I looked in college! Yeah, almost the same, just a bit shorter.

  3. I did not now home goods carry apparals. There is one just opened a few month ago in my neighborhood.

    Yes, I still remember how you looked from the picture you sent me back in 1993. That's the sign of aging. Remember the old stories but forget the new stuff....

  4. You should check out the store. Man, you just revealed my age to the public!

  5. Oh! Correction! I mean 2003 not 1993 :)

  6. Is that you Faye all bundled up in that little hat?! How cute!

  7. BTW, Elizabeth, you can click on the photos and enlarge to get a better view.
