Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coming down with a major headache

I didn't feel well last night, and when I got up after 11 hours of sleep this morning, I had a major headache and running nose. I think the cold weather from London is finally catching up with me.

It's a sunny day today. Feeling a bit bitter, I decided to stay in and rest, hopefully get well tomorrow and go out again for the rest of the week before we go home. We've been here for over 4 weeks, but there are still places that I haven't visited yet.... I didn't plan to get sick a week before we go home.

I hope I will feel better tomorrow.


  1. poor thing, drink some hot ginger tea with brown sugar, hope that helps.

    btw, who is getting sick here? Spencer or Faye? make sure you don't give it the other person, and don't bring it back to US neither! I don't want you to give it to me.


  2. Zaizai can talk?!
    Oh, mine, I am fainting...

    Get well, Faye!

  3. Queen Steph rocks! She knew who wrote it!! :-)

    No ginger in the supermarket here... Brown sugar? Not too sure either.
