We were too busy to do laundry this weekend. Spencer and I were pretty much out of our clean clothes. So instead of waiting for him to come home after work, I decided to carry the dirty laundry to the laundromat myself.
The backpack was completely full of dirty clothes. With 4 pairs of jeans, shirts, sweaters and all, it must have weighted 30lbs or more. When I saw the glass window reflection of me carrying the laundry, the size of laundry is even bigger than my figure. I chuckled and was pretty amazed to see the reflection, and hoping to take a picture of that. Haha, no extra hands though. Carrying the backpack on my both shoulders, I started walking toward the laundromat a few blocks away. Man, it was heavy. As I was walking, I realized that doing laundry in Paris is such a tough job and requires so much labor work. Imagine taking the laundry in winter when it's cold and wet out!! I looked back all the time I've been in Taiwan and US, I haven't had to carry dirty clothes and walk a few blocks to do laundry; even I had to take them to laundromat, I drove there instead of walking. I know I am spoiled and I am very grateful for what my life has been. :-)
It took me about 1-1/2 hour to 2 hours to finish the laundry. Walked back to the hotel, dropped off everything and headed out for grocery shopping. Again, a few blocks of walk to get to the grocery store. What else after that? I had to iron Spencer's shirts. Talking about ironing, that is definitely an unpleasant task. The irons the hotel has are all dated, and they just don't do the job they are supposed to do. The iron board is so tiny, therefore, I have to sit on the floor to press all the shirts. And regardless how hard I press on those shirts, those shirts are still wrinkled because the irons are not hot at all. And it took me about 2 hours just try to straighten out 7 shirts. By the time I called it "finished", the shirts are still not right and my neck and my back hurt, and I felt that I needed to see my chiropractic.
So, that's about a day of labor intensive work for me. Should sleep well tonight....
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