Our connecting flight from Frankfurt to Paris was with Lufthansa. It was actually a very pleasant and comfortable 45-minute journey. And Lufthansa was cool; seats were comfortable and they not only served drink but also a free mini sandwich.
It's a French speaking country and communication is a bit tough with speaking English only. The Lufthansa agent was very nice and helped us track where our luggage was, and it turned out it might be either Chicago or Frankfurt. Filled out the claim form, met with Shea who had been waiting for us for about 2 hours by then, and realized that he also didn't get his luggage. At this point, the three of us was thinking, "okay, so, what's next, hotel?"
We got in a taxi and realized that the taxi driver doesn't speak or understand any English. As far as our Franch capabiltiy goes, none. Spencer handed the Google map for the hotel to the driver and that's pretty much it. The taxi driver is an Asian, and we were hoping that he might be a Chinese. With our luck so far, he's a Cambodian and doesn't know any Chinese. Of course the rest of drive was a bit worrysome. The driver kept asking (I believe he was asking us questions) and we kept talking in English. I realized that we tended to slow the speed we talked, but ha, it doesn't help either. Thank God, we finally arrived at the hotel, and the ride costed us $50 Euro!
It took us about 37 hours from SF to Paris, compared to the original schedule of 11 hours. By then, the three of us were just about to crash.....
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