Faye went to the book store yesterday and bought a bunch of books. We now know how to speak French and Italian, we also got a new digital camera to help us make sure we capture everything that's worth sharing.
I was actually feeling a bit overwhelmed by the information, so I decided to ask Faye to handle all travel-related tasks... I will just work hard, and come along for the ride as a tourist, following tightly behind my tour guide — my wife, the one I am married to, the one I trust with my whole life.
Spencer and Faye , Enjoy your trip ...
好好享受 這趟美好的旅程
平安 幸福 喜悅
God bless you
By Pei chi (Sunny)
Hi Spencer,
ReplyDelete新公司 新氣象
祝福你 首航順利 成功
Hi Faye and Spencer,
好好 享受 你們 第2次 的蜜月旅行
那會是個 很美好的 旅行
度蜜月 不要鬥嘴吵架喔~~~(因為 我熟識的導遊 告訴我 他們常碰見的case...Ha ha)
Thank you, Pei Chi. Stay tune!